Kyle Seth Gray

Kyle Seth Gray's blog. Usually writing about tech, personal experience, but now leaning more towards health and fitness.

Everything is Broken. Basically.

Recently I started a web development job. After two months, nothing is more relevant than this paragraph by Peter Welch:

Remember that stuff about crazy people and bad code? The internet is that except it's literally a billion times worse. Websites that are glorified shopping carts with maybe three dynamic pages are maintained by teams of people around the clock, because the truth is everything is breaking all the time, everywhere, for everyone. Right now someone who works for Facebook is getting tens of thousands of error messages and frantically trying to find the problem before the whole charade collapses. There's a team at a Google office that hasn't slept in three days. Somewhere there's a database programmer surrounded by empty Mountain Dew bottles whose husband thinks she's dead. And if these people stop, the world burns.

It's been a month full of taking an entire week to find out the cause of this bug, finding some previous idiots in-line, (inside a freaking HTML img tag) javascript that has been terribly implemented all for a hover image effect, and CSS.

It's a lot different from a blog or funny website when you’re deploying your code in the real world, but it sure is a learning experience. You never would’ve thought some random ‘mark’ class in bootstrap was going to interfere with a page handed to you with code from someone you’ve never met, but suddenly you’re trying to figure out a work around while still maintaining the same functionality and not upsetting people.

My favorite little method I’ve learned is the band-aid method of testing. When you’re maintaining a website for a separate group, sometimes the best thing you can do to fix it is tear it off, and see if someone screams1. 9/10 times, the weird feature was just by that old developer that no longer works there that you adore so, so much. And no one else will miss it when it’s gone.

1. Or emails you. Calls you. Calls someone else and blames them. Or hopefully just doesn’t notice.

Police respond to drug use at Riviera Apartments

Apartment Courtyard... Plaza? I don't know. Jacob Molnar:

Police officials at the scene could not comment about the incident, but BYU student Nick Zarate said one of his roommates was allegedly producing methamphetamine in his apartment bedroom.

Speaking of college and fun incidents...

From Movies to Web Hosting

College is always said to be the "super fun best time ever", and an experience you'll never want to forget. You're going to go to parties, have fun, find a whole bunch of friends, etc. etc. etc.

In reality, college is hard. It isn't something that you can get buy if you party on the weekends, and do your work during the school week. It's constant work. Especially if you have a job alongside college.

One of the things I've always struggled with is procrastinating. I'll put off an assignment for two weeks, right up until the week that it is due, wait two more days, start it the night before, and then finally finish it the morning of. One of my main problems is the part where I decide "Meh, that assignment can wait. Lets go watch Netflix!"

This has led to me being in a panic over grades, and stressed out about something that shouldn't stress me out.

Instead, I've canceled my Netflix, and hope to put all that time wasted towards, you know, actually finishing my school work. In the meantime... I couldn't simply let that $7 a month just go back into my bank account, could I? So I went and got hosting from Digital Ocean, and set up1 this blog.

But Kyle you already had a tumblr! Yes yes, I know. But it was something I was just trying to do... and failed... and would blog like once every full blue moon.

This is different, and, as any blogger knows, I hope it is. This is a little experiment of mine with actually dealing with web hosting, virtual servers, and managing my own system of trying to figure out what the heck I'm doing. It's not simple for me, and that's what I like about it.

Hopefully I'll do something good with this.

Something better than buying simply because I can. Building actual webpages and whatever the heck I decide to do. Who knows.

1. Set up as in set up my account, fill in the boxes, and choosing a Ghost preset.

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