Kyle Seth Gray

Kyle Seth Gray's blog. Usually writing about tech, personal experience, but now leaning more towards health and fitness.

DGM Portfolio


Kaitlin and Shaun's trip

It's fun to find special moments (or something your sister wants you to make). It's great for me because I don't consider myself extremely creative right out of the gate, and it's not easy for me to come up with something out of nothing. With this, I took a few photos that my sister had taken for a trip, and made it into a post card of sorts.

Teacher feedback: Nice work! This is something cool to remember.


James Bond Vector I really liked this piece because it showed that vectorizing an image can still look lifelike. It's an efficient way to store and share and image (such as sharing it online) since it takes up lest space as a vector file. This one is in JPG at the moment just for compatibility. But if I were to, say, make an app or distribute software, storing an image in a vector is a great way to do so.

Teacher feedback: It looks great! Nice job!

Video Editing


This was just a fun thing to do - and made me want to try more video editing out. I'm hoping in the future I can attempt to make some fun live action videos and get better at video effects.

Teacher feedback: Nice! This is awesome

SpiderMan Trailer

It's always somewhat satisfying to just change audio in a video or make something funny. The Spiderman trailer just happened to fit perfectly with some of this audio - it was fun to find different effects and attempt to come up with some foley.


Audio in video:

Demoing Carrot Hunger

This is an app I love, and I think showing it off is kinda fun. Especially with how the behavior of the app makes the video just funny on its own.

Teacher feedback: Nice work! I downloaded the app.


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